Crying over Spoiled Milk (2017-2024)

Poster for "Crying over Spoiled Milk"

What Is it About?


Walter Pinhead is staying at his remote country estate, just to get away from Halloween, which he detests. He is looking forward to a good night's sleep. All is quiet, or is it?


Pinhead is woken up by strange noises and decides to investigate. What will he find?

Synopsis (spoiler!)

We see Pinhead lying in bed. Suddenly there are loud noises and Pinhead wakes up, looking scared. Still, he decides to investigate taking a baseball bat with him. He walks down the creaky stairs. the noises get louder and seem to come from the kitchen. Pinhead slowly opens the kitchen door and peeks inside.

A tall figure in a black cape is standing near the fridge. He has a milk carton in his hand. He takes a sip and spits it out immediately, disgusted. He turns around and Pinhead recognizes him: It's Dracula!

A shaking Pinhead is confronted by an angry Dracula, who is scolding him: "Pinhead, don't you have anything in your fridge that is NOT bad!?"


Additional Information